Friday, August 5, 2011

Back To School Frustrations

Can you believe it is August already? Some of
us are wondering where the summer went. The
weather has been extreme all over the United
States and many have had to deal with difficult
circumstances. We hope that if any one of your
families was affected by this weather you are
on your way to healing and recovery.

Going back to school can sometimes feel very
frustrating. The kids have been home, schedules
have been flexible and getting back into a set
routine is always a challenge at the start of
school. However, DO NOT despair. This is the
cycle of a busy home.

So, how can you make this transition a little
easier when each year it seems to be more
complicated? Our children are growing, activities
are changing and expectations at school seem to
be more involved.

In preparation for school, you can begin by
making a few early changes. Start with making
bedtime a little earlier and slowly begin waking up
your child up closer to the time needed to get
ready for school. Another way to get your children
in the school set of mind is to serve meals and
snacks closer to the time it happens during the
school year. These will just help regulate your
child's clock for the school year routine!

Family preparedness is always important to the
success of getting back into the school routine.
Begin the year with a family meeting and start
a journal at dinnertime. Ask everyone what a goal
might be for the school year (this can be done
for any age) and how they feel they will achieve
it. Write it down in the journal so that you
revisit it as a family during the school year.
Family members can offer suggestions and ideas
in helping one another reach goals. You can
also write down things that worry one another
and come up with a plan together on how you
can ease a family members concerns. Creating
a journal helps everyone be accountable.

Another good resource for families is to have
a communication center that everyone has access
to. Whether it be a large calendar, a whiteboard
or another source that your family feels will work
for you, it is important to be on the same page.
Using different color markers for each member of
the family is also an easy way for everyone to
understand their own schedule or chore.

Adding a way to give inspirational messages to one
another is very empowering as well. Perhaps sticky
notes on the bathroom mirror, bedroom door or backpack
with a happy note for the day can create smiles and
hidden hugs. These go a long way!

Most importantly, the family needs to have some
ground rules based on what you all feel are most
important in the well being and safety of everyone
in your home. Respect, expectation and consequences
are all a vital part to helping one another grow as
a family and role model these attributes in your

Getting your children organized for school can also
be easier by using a supply vendor. Visit us at for more information and happy
return to school!