Sunday, March 27, 2011

kids klutter

Happy Spring from kids klutter!

For most of us, winter usually gives us
a feeling of hibernating and trying to stay
warm. Many places in the United States
experienced horrible snow and ice storms
that left those somewhat isolated and trapped
indoors. Perhaps this was a blessing in
families having more time to be together and
play games or get some of those indoor
projects done. However, typically those
cleaning and organizing projects always seem
to wait until Spring. And, the kids klutter
becomes one of those major projects.

I always love the Springtime. This is a time
when there is renewed energy, brighter days,
fresh ideas and wonderful sounds and smells in
the air. The kids should go outside as much as
possible, so that they can get this feeling of
a new spirit.

So, now comes the reality inside. The kids
"klutter" has grown over the winter. Not to
mention your kids have probably all grown as
well! It is time to go through those closets,
drawers and reorganize. There is always a sense
of accomplishment when doing this in our houses.
Cleaning klutter gives us a new uplifted spirit
as well.

How do we get our children on board for this
cleansing? Depending on the age, you can always
find jobs in your child's room that empower
them. Kids usually enjoy new things, so if you
have them go through their things and make piles
of those clothes that fit or not fit, toys they
have outgrown, etc. you can empower them in
talking about "giving". This is a perfect time
to discuss that they can give to others by
donating clothes they have outgrown or toys they
can share with someone who would treasure them.
Teachable moments are all around us and if the
entire family is getting the klutter cleaned up
and contributing then we, as parents are modeling
positive life skills as well. And, then there is
a shopping trip of some kind when all this is done
for new clothes or other needed items.

Spring is also a time for the home run stretch at
school. Making sure school supplies are in order
and the kids are prepared for the final months is
invaluable to be successful. Go through backpacks
and make sure everything is in order for your child
and their classroom.

kids klutter is here to help you get organized for
next year as well. Visit us at
to see how you can empower your school to use our
service as a fundraiser and let all of the parents
know how to start their children off successfully
in the fall!

We wish you a warm and healthy season.
The kids klutter team.