Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fall Season

Hello,from Kids Klutter and Happy Fall!
If you joined us for the last blog you
have some ideas on getting your family
organized and school has begun in full

Most of us are ready for the summer to
be over and are switching gears for the
next season. Shorter sun days and warmer
clothes are closer. Having three children
myself, I often wonder how I keep them
all on track with school work, home chores
and family time along with all the extra
curricular activities they choose. I ask
myself if we are just too busy already and
school has just begun. And if so, how can
I instill slowing down in each of their minds
if I am moving just as fast?

Whether you are a stay at home or working
mother, there are not enough hours in the day.
How do you carve out time for everything and
everyone? It takes careful and timely planning
to make it all work for sure. And, as we all
know, time does not slow down for anyone.

My suggestion to everyone is to take time
to plan. Whether it be a goal to have dinner
together nightly or on certain nights, set it
up now and make it a pattern moving forward.
If one on one time can only happen in transition
then make the time count in content. We bring
a devotion book with us in the car and on the
way to school or an activity we choose a subject
to discuss and keep one another engaged in
conversation and family. Another suggestion is
to have the kids be responsible for planning a
meal a week and then helping to prepare it. The
time you share in the kitchen will be the memories
you remember most.

The biggest thing in family dynamics is the tone
the parents set. If we are busy, the kids get
busier. If we slow down, they slow down. Realizing
that activities tend to dictate our time these days,
re-evaluate how to plan them to fit your family and
not have your family fit into the activity.
And if you are running around, make that car time
count. Share a story, play a game and do not forget
to laugh.

I think it is best said that being a parent is the
greatest and most difficult job you will ever do in
your life. It is also the most rewarding. Family is
the most important thing! Chaos is a part of life
these days, but we can all rope it back in to less
stress with a plan. We all need some structure
regardless of age to function at our best. So, sit
down with your family today and make a plan.

And, take some time to see those turning colors,
smell that fresh air of changing seasons and crunch
some leaves together!

Blessings and have a great fall. From your
friends at kidsklutter. Visit us at and pass us along to your

Friday, August 5, 2011

Back To School Frustrations

Can you believe it is August already? Some of
us are wondering where the summer went. The
weather has been extreme all over the United
States and many have had to deal with difficult
circumstances. We hope that if any one of your
families was affected by this weather you are
on your way to healing and recovery.

Going back to school can sometimes feel very
frustrating. The kids have been home, schedules
have been flexible and getting back into a set
routine is always a challenge at the start of
school. However, DO NOT despair. This is the
cycle of a busy home.

So, how can you make this transition a little
easier when each year it seems to be more
complicated? Our children are growing, activities
are changing and expectations at school seem to
be more involved.

In preparation for school, you can begin by
making a few early changes. Start with making
bedtime a little earlier and slowly begin waking up
your child up closer to the time needed to get
ready for school. Another way to get your children
in the school set of mind is to serve meals and
snacks closer to the time it happens during the
school year. These will just help regulate your
child's clock for the school year routine!

Family preparedness is always important to the
success of getting back into the school routine.
Begin the year with a family meeting and start
a journal at dinnertime. Ask everyone what a goal
might be for the school year (this can be done
for any age) and how they feel they will achieve
it. Write it down in the journal so that you
revisit it as a family during the school year.
Family members can offer suggestions and ideas
in helping one another reach goals. You can
also write down things that worry one another
and come up with a plan together on how you
can ease a family members concerns. Creating
a journal helps everyone be accountable.

Another good resource for families is to have
a communication center that everyone has access
to. Whether it be a large calendar, a whiteboard
or another source that your family feels will work
for you, it is important to be on the same page.
Using different color markers for each member of
the family is also an easy way for everyone to
understand their own schedule or chore.

Adding a way to give inspirational messages to one
another is very empowering as well. Perhaps sticky
notes on the bathroom mirror, bedroom door or backpack
with a happy note for the day can create smiles and
hidden hugs. These go a long way!

Most importantly, the family needs to have some
ground rules based on what you all feel are most
important in the well being and safety of everyone
in your home. Respect, expectation and consequences
are all a vital part to helping one another grow as
a family and role model these attributes in your

Getting your children organized for school can also
be easier by using a supply vendor. Visit us at for more information and happy
return to school!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Fun

Hello and welcome to the beginning of summertime! Longer days and warmer weather. However, school is out and that requires a bit more organization on our part as parents. So, what is the plan?

Perhaps you have a family vacation planned and that will take getting everyone on the same page with packing and what to bring. A suggestion would be create a to do list for the family and give each member a task to complete for this trip. Even our little one's can get their toys together and help pack. Infact, they love doing those things more than we do sometimes. Make this vacation a memorable one in planning, getting ready to go and being on the trip together. This will also help your children see what goes into taking a trip and a teachable moment in giving them early skills to keep organized and help.

Maybe you are staying home this summer and keeping low key. There is always so much going on during the school year and a quiet summer sounds like the road to travel. The local pool, a picnic or the park. The expense to do activities is sometimes outrageous.

However, it does not always have to be. In most cities, some of the major museums and zoos have a free day during the summer to explore. Check online for your local opportunities and plan a free day with the family. A picnic lunch is a great way to complete this fun day.

A ballgame can be less expensive as well. Look for the family nights where you can get four tickets and dinner for a reasonable fee. Perhaps you encourage your family to look forward to this night. Set up some summer chores around the house where everyone participates and the reward is the game.

On an academic note, let your children pick out some great summer reading books at the library. Keep their skills up in this area and map out family reading time each day. Reading will always promote positive skills and keep children engaged in the learning process. Some libraries even host a challenge of some sort to read so many hours during the summer and then your child can receive a reward from them. Check your local library to find out what summer activities they have as well.

Whatever this summer brings you, remember to practice safety and have fun. Family time seems to be shorter these days and summer is usually a time when the sports and club activities require less meeting time. Use that time to reconnect and find that family laughter with time together. Take a walk, ride your bikes, cook-out and sit on the patio, play board games and find the fun.

We at wish you a healthy, safe and fun summer filled with family and friends...

Happy Summer!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

kids klutter

Happy Spring from kids klutter!

For most of us, winter usually gives us
a feeling of hibernating and trying to stay
warm. Many places in the United States
experienced horrible snow and ice storms
that left those somewhat isolated and trapped
indoors. Perhaps this was a blessing in
families having more time to be together and
play games or get some of those indoor
projects done. However, typically those
cleaning and organizing projects always seem
to wait until Spring. And, the kids klutter
becomes one of those major projects.

I always love the Springtime. This is a time
when there is renewed energy, brighter days,
fresh ideas and wonderful sounds and smells in
the air. The kids should go outside as much as
possible, so that they can get this feeling of
a new spirit.

So, now comes the reality inside. The kids
"klutter" has grown over the winter. Not to
mention your kids have probably all grown as
well! It is time to go through those closets,
drawers and reorganize. There is always a sense
of accomplishment when doing this in our houses.
Cleaning klutter gives us a new uplifted spirit
as well.

How do we get our children on board for this
cleansing? Depending on the age, you can always
find jobs in your child's room that empower
them. Kids usually enjoy new things, so if you
have them go through their things and make piles
of those clothes that fit or not fit, toys they
have outgrown, etc. you can empower them in
talking about "giving". This is a perfect time
to discuss that they can give to others by
donating clothes they have outgrown or toys they
can share with someone who would treasure them.
Teachable moments are all around us and if the
entire family is getting the klutter cleaned up
and contributing then we, as parents are modeling
positive life skills as well. And, then there is
a shopping trip of some kind when all this is done
for new clothes or other needed items.

Spring is also a time for the home run stretch at
school. Making sure school supplies are in order
and the kids are prepared for the final months is
invaluable to be successful. Go through backpacks
and make sure everything is in order for your child
and their classroom.

kids klutter is here to help you get organized for
next year as well. Visit us at
to see how you can empower your school to use our
service as a fundraiser and let all of the parents
know how to start their children off successfully
in the fall!

We wish you a warm and healthy season.
The kids klutter team.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What to do on a snow day?

Happy New Year from kids klutter! Welcome back to school.

It seems like the few weeks off from school was enough to put
us all out of our daily routine and longing for some normality.
Getting back into the swing of school after a shorter break is
sometimes more difficult than having the summer off. We tend
to be more lenient on the short breaks with later bedtimes and
activities. Try to get back into your routine quickly so that
January does not fly by and leave you wondering why your
holiday decorations still up...

We were surprised this morning, after only returning to school
a week ago, with a snow day! What do you do with a snow day?
Snow days are fabulous ways to bond with your children on
other levels. Of course, the obvious is to bundle up and go outside
to sled, build a snow fort or have a snowball fight. These are
great things to do together and wonderful for your heart! However,
what can you do inside that creates a different environment?

Here is a list of some fun things to do when stuck inside. And
some of them are good for all ages.

- build a fort, play games and share a meal inside
- make pancakes or waffles together
- bake cookies or make a snow cake with white frosting
- if like today, in January, write those holiday thank you cards
- read together and then re-enact the adventure in the story
- play dress up
- make crafts out of household things - cups, plates, napkins
- get the picture albums out when the kids were younger - tell
stories of past memories
- find old pictures or print some off of the computer of one another
and make a collage. Let each person tell a family story when done
- paint together with fruit and vegetables
- cut snowflakes for the windows
- play hide and seek

There are endless ways to have fun when stuck inside, but
the most important thing to remember is to find the fun in the
activity and include everyone at home. I know several older
kids who would love to play hide and seek with younger siblings.
And going down memory lane is bound to bring up happy times
and many smiles throughout the day!

Enjoy this winter whatever it may bring you and your family.
Avoid the possibility of getting down because sunshine is
limited by creating other sunshine activities. The gift of
laughter goes a long way.

Happy Winter!
