How is it the end of January already?
Many of us are wondering where the first part of the school year has gone. Registration for the upcoming year is already happening at many schools and parents are already thinking about another transition. How do we move forward and maintain staying in this current school year without getting frustrated about having things in place for the next ?
The answer is to stay focused, organized, relax and realize that somehow it always falls into place. All this talk about being prepared for the next year will come and go over a few weeks and then you can carefully put that in another category for the time being. It is so important to stay focused on today! Time passes so quickly and recognizing the need to stay in the present moment is vital to the energy you save for yourself and also show to your children.
It is also a good time to assess the needs of your child for the remainder of the school year. How is that backpack holding up, are they growing and need some new clothes and, what are the needs in the classroom supply area. These are all important things in keeping kids feeling successful in their school venture. The more successful and organized they feel, the better they will do in school.
So, do a checklist of priorities for the next few months because they will move as fast as the first few did. You will be troubleshooting summer plans before you know it. A personal organizer for your older children is always a great tool to keep them on target each day with homework, activities and things they must stay on top of. Younger children do well with a picture calendar of some kind and a few words to work on that literacy component, but also helping them to get organized in completing expected tasks. We are so fortunate to have many things available to us through technology. Your child can help you find pictures on the internet and create a schedule or calendar. Together, you are building those early learning skills to be strong organizers and follow through with tasks. Give them an opportunity to check things off when completed and acknowledge their effort in the simplest of ways. Reward them with your time. Time to do an activity together and spend quality moments sharing accomplishments that week and listening to the excitement about the things they were able to do for themselves.
And, remember to take time to personally relax. Read a chapter in a book, take a walk in the park, a bubble bath, a fishing trip, whatever best looks to you! And, enjoy time day by day, minute by minute.
If we can help your school raise money without a lot of time and energy, please visit our website at And, if you are looking for a personal gift that shows appreciation, please visit us at Here’s to slowing down and enjoying the journey!
From, your kids klutter team!
From, your kids klutter team!