Monday, August 13, 2012



Welcome back from Kids Klutter!  It is that time of the year again when we begin to get organized for the start of school.  Supply lists, new clothes, back to school events and getting the schedule in tune for the entire family.

Having three children myself, I look at each of them and realize how very different they are in how they organize themselves for any day.  I began to think what that meant to the family dynamics at bedtime and in the morning for us.  One of my children chooses to sleep until the last minute and throws everything together at last the last minute.  My other has a very specific needed routine and if is rushed in anyway, their entire day is off.  My third child, is just fine with being woken up at a certain time and getting ready always goes with the flow.  And, then you have my husband and I have with our own routines, which typically involve getting up much earlier then the kids and being ready to run the troops from point a to point b.  Mornings are busy in our home for sure. Does this all sound too familiar?

What it comes down to is timing in each of our homes.  We cannot expect the entire family to fit into a mold that may not be conducive to one’s own success in getting ready for bed and morning.  As they get older, they develop more of a personal identity and what works for them all around.  It is key, we, as parents, take that into consideration when we are trying to make the bedtime and morning schedule run smoothly.  Understanding the “timing” of our children is most important in how they will greet the day and have success throughout.  On that note, make sure you are organized in the routine as well.  Our children totally feed off our energy in the scope of their day.  I have had stressful days where I left my child at drop off feeling bewildered and to be honest, it totally ruined my own day.

Sitting down with your children and developing a bed time and morning routine, involving them in the process is a great way to bond.  More importantly, it shows them they do have control over their day in making it a successful one.

We at kids klutter wish you a peaceful, successful and exciting school year.  And, if you are interested in hearing about more fundraising opportunities for your school, jump on our website at and check us out.  Have a great year from your kids klutter team!